RNA STRAND v2.0 - The RNA secondary STRucture and statistical ANalysis Database
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Search Criteria (click here to expand/contract)
General features
Type: Any Organism: Any Source: Any , Source ID: Any Length: Any Validated by NMR or X-Ray: I don't care |
Number of molecules in complex: Any Fragment: I don't care Duplicates: All molecules
Sequence pattern: Any
Abstract shape: Any |
Internal loop features Number of internal loops per molecule: Greater than or equal to 1
Search results: 2992 results found. (Click on the row to see the statistics for the chosen molecule.)
Molecule name [?] |
Type [?] |
Organism [?] |
Source [?] |
Source ID [?] |
Length [?] |
ASE_00029 | RNase P RNA, Bacillus megaterium, strain KM | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Bacillus megaterium, strain KM | 408 |
ASE_00030 | RNase P RNA, Bordetella pertussis, strain Tomaha I | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Bordetella pertussis, strain Tomaha I | 414 |
ASE_00031 | RNase P RNA, Bacillus stearothermophilus, strain 1430R | RNase P RNA | Bacillus stearothermophilus | RNase P Database | Bacillus stearothermophilus, strain 1430R | 417 |
ASE_00032 | RNase P RNA, Bacillus subtilis, strain 168 | RNase P RNA | Bacillus subtilis | RNase P Database | Bacillus subtilis, strain 168 | 401 |
ASE_00034 | RNase P RNA, Yellowstone Black Hole#145 | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Yellowstone Black Hole#145 | 293 |
ASE_00042 | RNase P RNA, Corynebacterium diphtheriae | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Corynebacterium diphtheriae | 425 |
ASE_00045 | RNase P RNA, Clostridium innocuum, strain ATCC 14501 | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Clostridium innocuum, strain ATCC 14501 | 308 |
ASE_00047 | RNase P RNA, Chlorobium limicola, strain thiosulfatophilum | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Chlorobium limicola, strain thiosulfatophilum | 386 |
ASE_00048 | RNase P RNA, Clavispora lusitaniae, strain CG78-75 | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Clavispora lusitaniae, strain CG78-75 | 197 |
ASE_00051 | RNase P RNA, Clavispora opuntiae, strain CG28-540 | RNase P RNA | Unknown | RNase P Database | Clavispora opuntiae, strain CG28-540 | 196 |

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2004-2008 BETA LAB - University of British Columbia